A thrilling finale marked the end of the second season of the most mysterious show on the air. After weeks of scratching our heads at the secret celebrity identities of our final three – Baba Yaga, the Panthera, and the Bride, the winner of The Masked Singer 2020 has been crowned.
The actor Borislav Zahariev, known also as Bobi Turboto, successfully created the image of the most-entertaining mask this season – the crazy Baba Yaga and won the title of the big winner. Seconds after taking off the mask, he couldn’t hide the excitement from the victory and shared with the audience: “A massive thank you for the invitation, for the costume and to the entire team behind the show. Big thanks also to the people who supported me, commented, and lifted me up for three months, they were amazing! One should never give up. When you work hard, everything works out. A change is possible when there are faith, love, and light.”
The honorary second place took the charming Bride, behind which had been hidden the singer Nevena Tsoneva. Her professionalism and specific vocal abilities were recognized by the panel at an earlier stage of the show, so her unmasking marked the only one right guess for the evening.
The audience vote decided that the third place is for singer Christiana Loizou in the role of the Predator, which remained the biggest mystery to everyone until the end of the season and the panel failed to reveal it.
The long-awaited conclusion of "The Masked Singer" is the most-watched episode for the season and attracted over a third of the Bulgarian viewers in active age 18-49 which is 33.2% audience share compared to 26.9% share for the direct competitor of NOVA TV at the same time slot.