In the village of Vrakola, nestled in the Tran region, mysterious and unexplainable events unfold. People are found murdered in bizarre ways, while others wake up with peculiar marks on their bodies resembling bird claw prints. A sinister, inhuman force seems to have descended upon the village.

Amid the chaos, Emil Slavov, a resident of a nursing home, teams up with border officers Bozhana Gorneva and her colleague Mitko to investigate these chilling occurrences. Their search uncovers long-buried secrets from the past and brings them face-to-face with the "Mamnik" – a demonic bird from Bulgarian folklore.

As the darkness deepens, Emil’s son, Delyan Slavov, mysteriously vanishes. Joining the fight against the evil are Dana, a vrazhalitsa with mystical knowledge, and Lazar Karaivanov, a platenik – a resurrected soul with unfinished business in the mortal world.

Prepare to delve into a world of folklore, mystery, and suspense in this gripping tale of the supernatural!